Pediatric Board Success Stories


Learn what worked for real pediatricians who used PBR to help them pass. Many of these members failed the pediatric boards multiple times as they went from one board review to another before finally passing with the help of Team PBR.

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FREE Pediatric Dermatology Study Guide

FREE Pediatric GI Study Guide 

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It's videos and emails like these drive us to continue working tirelessly to help pediatricians pass the boards year after year. Whether you are taking the exam for the first time, or you have had a failed pediatric board experience, Team PBR is here to help you pass on your next attempt.

"Hi, Woke up in tears this morning because I could not believe it. Felt to good to be true. All that time away from my family and so and the thought of doing it again made me sick. Thought about the depression could not get out of when I met you. You have no idea what I went through last year. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO thankful I came across PBR. Beside the material, just having people to talk to who had gone through what I had made the biggest difference. They way you personally replied to all my questions made me feel like I really had someone to turn too. I will owe you for the rest of my life and am grateful for fate and god for you coming into my life. "

Forever grateful...

-Dr. Ulka

"I have never bothered to write a review before...for anything.  But I just got the results from my pediatric recertification exam and IT WAS HIGHER THAN I EVER IMAGINED!!!  Your study guide is so far superior to any other study guides out there (I won't mention names.)  Just wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you.  I used only your guide and it helped me really focus on the important things and not get bogged down with too many details.  Of course, the night before, I panicked and thought "I should have looked at this guide, I should have used this guide, etc".   NOPE.  Yours was MORE THAN ENOUGH.  And oddly, some of my weakest subjects going in were the ones I scored highest on.  Just more evidence that your guide is amazing.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you again!!"

- Dr. Audrey Atkins

"Ashish... your PBR is the most useful, comprehensive, high-yield pediatric board review on the market. Your pediatric board strategy is unique, powerful and has just the right stuff to pass the test. No other review course on the market prepares us as well for this test. My only regret is not finding PBR sooner since I wasted time and money on other courses that didn't deliver the comprehensive pediatric board review that PBR offers. Plus, I would've loved to be a part of the amazing PBR Facebook community much sooner. It's awesome! It was great to spend time on studying topics that really mattered for the test. 

Lastly, I think PBR must be the first book that any pediatric resident purchases in their first year of residency. The community and support from the PBR is unheard of in other board preparation courses. I'd love to help you reach more residents because I feel it will be a great service for them. I also look forward to being a PBR member forever!


- Dr. "McBlair"

Dr. Vincenzo -

First, I just want to say that I finally passed the peds boards. I have taken this exam numerous times before and cannot believe how this turned my life upside down. The anxiety of waiting for the results to come out to the acknowledging that I failed the exam….again was unbearable.

I am writing this to those people who have failed the boards to give you hope and support. I understand what you are going through but this exam can be done. I am not a spokesperson for PBR but I want to share with you my studying habits I did this time around.

I don’t know about you guys, but each time I failed the exam, I felt I needed to buy another review book. Maybe that was a way for me to cope as my anxiety release. But in the end, I had so many review books that I couldn’t finish them all and that in itself was anxiety provoking, especially during the las weeks before the exam. What a waste!

I used PBR exclusively. I loved the book because it was an easy read. Having been out of residency plus a fellowship, I found out over time I forgot some of the simple salient points that one should know. PBR brought back all those points, strengthening again the basic foundation of knowledge I needed to pass the exam.

I can honestly say that I did not do the PREP at all. I started to, but it got tedious, especially with the lengthy explanations. I concentrated only on the PBR and question book and went over it numerous times.

I loved the fact that the PBR core text was formatted for the iPad because it allowed me to access the pictures relating to that specific topic I was reading. I studied on the bus, to and from work or to just even review what I studied the previous night. It’s amazing how much can be done this way.

So, for you guys taking the peds boards again, there is hope. I am living proof. The PBR worked for me. I studied it religiously to the point of memorizing a lot of it. I also carried it with me so that I can study anywhere when time allowed it. I am proud to say that I am now able to enjoy life and the company of friends that have been long neglected.

No longer do I have that feeling of something looming over me or that something in the back of your mind reminding you that you have to study. I wish you all the best of luck and this will be your year!

Dr. Tate -

For me, question writers have always had my number, I fell for the traps, distractors—missing slam dunks for lack of a consistent logical approach to each and every question which was repeatable no matter how long the question or amount of information in the stem.

Having always felt like I had to study twice as much as others because of my poor question answering ability, I had to find a solution and Coach Peggy’s method and approach changed the way I scored on the peds board exam without any doubt. If you ever felt like you knew more then most but scored worse–Coach Peggy can take you to the next level of success in question answering ability. She was available even after the course and provided consistent pruning and honing of my testing skills right up til the Boards.

I am forever grateful for her skillset and recommend without reservation to anyone needing to go to the next level on the pediatric boards.

Kristen -


Thank you so much for your study guide! It is much better than Laughing…

The PBR study guide is a very concise & easy to comprehend guide. It gives lots of great tips to help remember details. I used the online guide and found it easy to use. I especially liked being able to read tips, etc. from the online forum. Thanks Ashish for all the help and advice!

Gorkong -

Hey Ashish

I just wanted to thank you for helping me pass the Peds Board with
your study materials. I failed the Boards multiple times(4). I used
your materials last year but I also failed. I think the reason was
that I only reviewed your material probably 2.5 times. Despite the
failure I somehow still had faith in your BPR materials. You were/are
right about reviewing the materials in your PBR OVER and OVER and OVER
and OVER again until you know it inside out.

This year I did 3 years worth of PREP questions(ANSWERS) twice and in
between I reviewed your materials about 4 times. I really credit my
success to going over your materials multiple times.

I know you don’t think the PREP questions are vital to the Boards
success, and I agree with you to a certain extent. But, I still think
the PREP Explanations are important in the study process. For that I
read ALL the Explanations and ANSWERS and ‘learn’ from them, then I
would go back to read the questions. So, I ‘do’ the PREP questions by
really concentrating on the explanations. Finally, going over your
materials multiple, multiple times really consolidates and focuses you
on what you are required and need to pass the Boards.

I really think that passing the Peds Board or not really has no
bearing on what kind of competent Pediatrician you are, and now they
are even making it tougher on those that don’t pass with their 7 year

I understand the anxiety and stress this could place on those that are
trying really hard to pass this ‘irrelevant’ test. Please pass this on
to others who are having the same issues that I had. Thanks again for
your materials.

Dr. Chris Richardson -

Ashish, I just wanted to give you some post-MOC recertification exam feedback.
Thank you! I took the exam on June 30 and just got the notification that I passed with an 85% correct score.

PBR proved to be a great resource that I could rely on to make me keep my focus on high yield topics thus maximizing my efficiency. As a busy parent with two kids under 5 yo, that’s exactly what I needed.

I have recommended your book to many of my colleagues who are taking the same test in 2012 and at least 3 colleagues that have purchased it so far.

When/if you get iPad/iPhone compatibility it will only increase its usability.

Thanks again and good luck in your efforts to keep on improving the product.
I’d be happy to help out in any way I can.

Jeanette Norris, MD -

Just wanted to let you know that I passed my MOC Exam with a score of 85% – better than expected. Although I had very little time to study, your materials were of great benefit.

They were so concise and well-organized that I could quickly review sections when I had just a little free time. Also, your quick responses to any issues were much appreciated.

Thanks for your help and keep up the good work!

Jeanette Norris, MD

Dr. R. G. -

PBR is my life line. I didn’t want to study. Didn’t know how to start… You truly helped me immensely by creating PBR… The more I read PBR my confidence slowly started building… The bulk of the exam is in PBR. Nice job Ashish… The buzzwords, development tips were right on. Loved the search option on the on line version. Ashish was so supportive and never left us hanging. If you’re thinking about getting the PBR, just get it. It will make prepping for the exam a lot easier. PBR did the research for us! A huge time saver.

Dr. Sharon Wiener -

You have been my ‘idol’ over the last few weeks! My girls wondered if I would ever become ‘unglued’ from the computer!,,, I am amazed at the intricacy that went into your material… the pearls really helped on many of gbe questions. Thanks for all your hard work

Kristen J Macleod -

OUTSTANDING value for your money! Q&A’s were best of any resource out there. Core study guide has outstanding mnemonics and stories to create associations. IEM [Inborn Errors of Metabolism] chart is accurate, easy to use, Priceless and got me at least 3 out of the 200 questions on our MOC exam. Incredibly personal and prompt communication with you. Great links to photos online.

If you’re thinking about getting the PBR, do it. It is the best value out there. You will not waste any of your time. I wish I had the PBR during residency because the info from PBR sticks with you, and allows you to make associations with your clinical experiences.

Dr. Reva -

If you’re thinking about getting the PBR, get it. The material is concise but comprehensive. I was able to go over it several times and really felt prepared.

Dr. Dough Johnson -

Ok Ashish I’m done. That was one helluva ride. I’m spent. The last 7 months were a real roller coaster… I did what you recommended and stuck to your review, and went thru the book umpteen times.

I’ve been in private practice for 16 years. I’ve expanded to 6 clinics, employ 8 professional staff and have 25 employees. The last notch on my stick needed to be the FAAP designation. Regardless of the outcome, I really felt good this time…

Taking your course and taking your advice was the best money I’ve ever spent. Thanks.

Dr. Alfredo Mercado -

You are the only one who brings such service. I can’t imagine any other “tutorial ” or system that could beat what you have done. Believe me, for the next exam you will have (at least) two to three times more the success you had now. There is no doubt! The best promotion you will have is from the people you work with during this time. I personally thank you for your time and the great job you did… I wish I had the PBR during residency because I would have a different life story. Even though money is tight in residency, I recommend it.

Dr. Wissam E Nadra -

I felt that I had good info from the PBR. The core study guide and Coach Peggy were an excellent combo. If you’re thinking about getting the PBR, definitely DO IT! It is an awesome succinct review of Peds.

Dr. Sharon -

Great value. Great focused content. Questions helped solidify material for exam. Mnemonics seemed crazy, but actually helped… If you’re thinking about getting the PBR, Stop thinking and DO IT! You will never find anything else that is as focused and customized for the Peds exam.

Dr. Samori Cummings -

I wish I had the PBR during residency because I would have taken the [board] exam earlier than my last year of fellowship.

Dr. Neeraja Swaminathan -

The core study guide was a very precise compilation of what we need to know for the exam. If you’re thinking about getting the PBR, I would recommend it. It is a very good resource which tells you what to focus on.

Dr. Kelly Carlisle -

Best prep I’ve had so far… The core study guide wins hands down. The ultra-concentrated material eliminated all the lagniappe facts, and I felt I was really studying what I would have outlined had I gone through all the subjects first. The mnemonics were stellar, if not a little goofy :-), but that just added to their utility. I will likely remember some the mnemonics for the rest of my life, especially the autosomal dominant diseases. I was most glad that I had the Q&A section, and a shocking amount of those showed up on the exam. As a matter of fact, the corrections you sent out at the last minute also helped me answer questions.

If you’re thinking about getting the PBR, you’re going to get a resource that will enable you to successfully review all of the material at least once, and likely more than once, with a focus on the highest yield subjects.

Even though money is tight in residency, I would buy PBR to learn the mnemonics from the beginning. It will assist you in life and on the Board.

Dr. Kristen Theobald -

[If you’re wondering if you get the PBR?| Absolutely! Great information. Online version was easy to use. I did especially like the core guide, but also found your emails helpful and encouraging.

Dr. Ruben Reyes -

I did not use your review book but I used Challenger instead and this helped me tremendously. Thanks anyway with all your help and all your encouragement to all pediatricians. You have been an inspiration to me before I took my boards last June. Hopefully, you will continue to do what you have been doing. You are doing a great job and thanks again.

Dr. Manuel Soler -

If you’re thinking about getting the PBR, it’s worth the money and the time.

Anonymous -

I’m loving your notes. Reading them actually makes me feel good as I’m able to recall things heard in lectures etc. Thank you for doing such a nice job with recapping high yield things. I’ll definitely recomend this to friends n our residency program :).

Anonymous -

Hi Ashish. Enjoying the study guide. I’m a visual learner so this is the right type of review for me. (Expensive taped lectures would have been a waste of time.)

Dr. Carmen Taveras -

Hi Ashish: Thank you… [The mnemonics are] very funny and stick in your brain… [PBR is] very easy to understand… and everything is important.. it really impressed me. Thank you, thank you… and thank you

Anonymous -

Your development section was awesome… [PBR] was comprehensive. [Your mnemonics] were good… I had the Wisckott Aldrich and Apert’s image ingrained in my head…

Anonymous -

Value for your money… You did a great job, the QnA book is very helpful, mnemonics were great and funny making them easier to remember, the visual clue in the mnemonics was always helpful… making it easy to establish a relationship, visual aid is fantastic. The [free] supplementary material in the end was a pleasant surprise too.

Dr. Lisa -

I liked the quick and easy read through… If you’re thinking about getting the PBR, get it. Especially if you cannot start to study until July when your residency is done. I failed my first year of taking the boards because I used MedStudy. It took way too long to get through the material just once. With PBR I got through the material in about 3 weeks and you can go through it multiple times in 3 months which is what u have to do to pass.

Isabella -

I took the pediatric boards 3 times and PBR material had everything that I need to know and Peggy is this amazing person that helps build confidence and assure that everything will be fine as it turned to be… Thanks a lot for all the help. I finally passed on my boards (3rd is the charm)…

I am really grateful for all the support from you and Peggy in those difficult years.

Trish -

Thank you so much!

And thank u to Peggy too! 3rd time taking the boards and I’m so relieved! I’m def glad I spent time with Ms Peggy for a weekend, I know it contributed to my success!!!

Thank you thank you!!!

Suresh -

I have used a few popular resources to prepare for the boards and did not succeed after SEVERAL attempt.

I used PBR books and attended Coach Peggy’s course ONCE and passed.

The book is condensed, right to the point, very high yield and easy to read with wonderful mnemonics. Coach Peggy’s course taught me invaluable test prep and test taking methods that clearly made a differences.

I am forever grateful to what Ashish has created for us!

– Suresh

Anon -

thank you so much – I have taken the boards 6 times in the past. I never thought that I would pass. I now have a inner sense of peace that I have not had for almost 10 years. What a HUGE relief. Thank you!!!

Anon -

It was my 3rd time… The previous year I had study medstudy heavily and it confused me more I felt. Thank you so much, it really did help me a lot to study the PBR material

R -

I passed!!! Thx Ashish! I will definitely tell others about you and what you have created! You were an incredible resource! Thank you for everything and God bless you!

Best wishes,

Eve -

Thank you again for the book. It really is a great resource. I wish I had it the first time as I think I would have passed studying your book for 3 months rather than Medstudy…

I started studying in January so it was a long ten months. For the first 3 months, I studied 6 hours a week. Then in April, I went up to about 10 hours/week with as many weekends as I could fit in with a family to take care of. I think the marathon approach worked for me. I tried the cram method the first time, but it wasn’t for me and I failed.

I am very glad that I got PBR. I had many other study materials but PBR in those last 8 weeks brought everything together in a neat package. I realized that I did know the material. I am so happy I passed after failing the first year.

Tina -

I am so glad that I found PBR and coach Peggy. Now that I passed, I finally can face the world and not feel ashamed or like a failure after failing the exam twice. Coach Peggy and Ashish helped me find the flaws in my studying and test taking methods. And best of all, PBR is affordable!

I scored above the national average and am proud of it.

I had my doubts about Coach Peggy initially. I’ve taken many exams in my life and what does she know that I do not know already or google online? And while I was with Coach Peggy, I still had doubts about her methods.

How can it be that simple? But hey, I paid her money for it, so I was determined to put her strategies to use and I was shocked!

You have to take it to and do it to believe it!…

Thank you both… I really appreciate your help.

Sherry Passed :) -

I am a Med-Peds doctor who actually took this test 2 yrs out of residency not even practicing Peds until May 2012 because I work full time as a IM hospitalist. I took several months to just go through Medstudy one time, went to board review to get tips on the exam and exam taking techniques, I used PBR to help me know what is really important for the test.

I wish I had this book earlier in my study process. I did lots and lots of questions in Prep mainly. I only used Medstudy questions to help me figure out if I mastered the specific subjects…

Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to create this book. I felt like you actually gave high yield information that we needed to know and not just general information which is what most review books do. Your book is very high yield and really help me figure out what is important and build a foundation of concepts.

Have you ever thought of teaching a board review course?

Dr. G -

This was the – I’m ashamed to admit – 7th time I took the test. The most recent attempts had me failing by 1, then 2, then 1 scoring increments. (400, 390, 400). I have taken the Cleveland Clinic course twice and the New Orleans course once. While they are both excellent presentations and provide review of the content, they are not really geared toward teaching “what you need to know” to pass the test.

PBR filters out the unnecessary, highlights the critical points, and provides a framework and memory aides that encourage mastery of the content… I do feel it was the key to getting me the PASS…

Thank you, Ashish, for putting this out there and for helping me gain the knowledge and confidence I needed to pass – finally.

– Dr. G

A -

4th time taking it, came within 10 points the last 2 times….

PBR finally pushed me over the edge (in a good way)!! Thanks so much!

Marcella MD -

MOC recertification

passed with a high score

I really appreciated the personal communication from you. I thought the mnemonics were quite helpful and the core study guide is easy to read and well-organized.

If you’re thinking about getting the PBR,….it is a well-organized and has helpful mnemonics. I wish I had the PBR during residency because…there were some areas (like metabolic disorders) that were always confusing to me and hard to remember. After studying them with the PBR, I am much more knowledgeable than I was back then.

Maria -

I was out of the country when I received my test score and I am thrilled to say that I passed.

I found and read your book 3 weeks before the test date and did the multiple choice questions and feel that it definitely contributed to my passing score.

Thank you so much for your amazing resources, your dedication, and availability during such a nerve-wrecking time.

All the best,

Dr. Diana -

First attempt pass!

I recently delivered a 30 week premature baby who was admitted in the hospital. I studied medstudy, Prep and PIR during my residency. After residency , I didn’t have time to study much due to my delivery and the hospitilization of my baby.

I thought of not taking the exam in the beginning of October but thanks to your website and PBR material, i thought of giving it a shot. I registered only 4 weeks prior to exam and was going through the material whenever I had a little time after taking care of my baby.

I personally want to thank you for starting PBR and spending your time to boost our self confidence through your blog.

I cannot thank you enough

Dr. Brian Childers -

Hey Just to let you know, I passed my MOC exam!!!

Did very well. I have told all of my friends about your course. Your study book was awesome!

– Brian

Dr. V. -

Hi, I PASSED my peds boards in my first try. First and foremost, ALL thanks to God, Almighty!! In terms of my preparation, I studied intensively for 3 months. I used the common board prep materials that pediatric residents use in addtion to information from I came across the website in my last 3 weeks of studying and found the free resources very helpful: Derm and GI and some of the free sample questions. The information provided was really good, high-yield, last minute resources, that I am happy I came across. Thank you!!:)

Dr. N -

This was the best study tool I have found to help me prepare for my recertification exam. My partner and I had a few weeks to prepare for the exam and passed thanks to the PBR study guide.

I will recommend this to anyone taking the exam. It’s a very effective and a fun way to learn- painless !

Thanks !

Dr. ST - pending -

Dear Ashish,

Also wanted you to know. I passed my recertification in peds with an 81. This doesn’t sound like a big deal except that my career was riding on it with the new ABP requirements. I have been practicing neonatology for the past 20 years…so you can imagine how concerned and anxious I was to sit for the peds. recertification. Your course ABSOLUTELY made the difference as well as your advice to stick with your materials! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!


I know the 2012 results have been posted for awhile now, but I have
been too nervous to check my score until now. I studied exclusively
from your study guide (with the exception of some PREP questions) and
I scored a 219.

I am extremely happy! Thank you so much for creating
your review course.

I am certain that without it I would not have
performed as well as I did. I will definitely be recommending your
product to everybody I know who is taking the boards.

Mario -

I did my recertification board in Dec. Passed with flying colors. I studied for three years. This review was helpful in tying lots of the stuff together. Thanks for your efforts in creating this.

Penelope -

I have passed my peds boards!! Thank u so much!!!

Lyn -

I recently sat and passed the FRACP paediatric written exam in Australia. I found the PBR study resource to be a very helpful guide to focus my learning. The mnemonics were fantastic and I’m sure some of them I’ll never forget! I would recommend this product to other Australian candidates, to be used in addition to other local resources, to optimize your chances of passing.

Dr. A. -

I passed the MOC exam with flying colors! I am a member of the first class that required recertification exams. The previous exams were open-book and less stressful for me. The thought of going to a testing center and taking a 200 question multiple-choice exam was very concerning. I almost didn’t sign up for the exam.

Your course allowed me to really focus on needed material. I had created a few flash cards of my own, but settled on going through the online study guide over and over again. I learned a few things, and relearned quite a few more things. The access to images online instantly is great. The genetics/ IEM information has really changed since 1987!

I would definitely recommend your program.

Thank you.

Ben Helgemo -

I really didn’t want to spend too much time studying for the exam and only had about 2 months to study. I had mentioned to my office manager that I wanted to go away to a review conference for a week. A week being gone was very costly not just the expense of the trip but the lost revenue.

That’s when I found this website. Five minutes here and there was what I did. Best $100 dollars I ever spent. I passed the pediatric MOC exam with an 88%.

Thanks for saving me over $10,000!!!!!

Dr. Tolliver -

I passed the Pediatrics recertification exam on the first try. I really like PBR’s presentation of memorable facts.

Ashish Goyal, M.D. -

Dr. Tolliver, thank you so much for sharing. It’s great to hear that PBR has been a part of your wonderful success on the pediatric MOC exam! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

Dr. A. Nishawala -

Just wanted to let you know that I PASSED MY ABP PEDIATRIC RECERTIFICATION EXAM, and I couldn’t have done it without PBR! I followed your study plan with a twist:

1) The first time through PBR, I rewrote the text into several notebooks. This took a really long time, but really helped me “read” the material. Then, I reread my notes 5 times, writing notes in the margins, etc. I haven’t had to study like this in years, and rewriting the material helped my mind learn how to study again, so this step is only for those who may have some cobwebs in the attic!

2) 3 years of PREP questions, 100 questions at a time, under test conditions. Then I would read all the answers/explanations, and annotate my notes as needed.

3) ABP’s practice test

If PBR is still around in 10 yrs, I’ll be repeating steps 1-3!

Thanks Ashish!

Ashish Goyal, M.D. -

Dr. Nishawala… that is GREAT! I love the fact that you took time to really read and relearn everything that’s in the PBR. Also, I think using pediatric board review questions under test conditions is the EXACT way everyone should always do questions. I appreciate you letting me know how you did and I’ll see you again in 10 years!

Dr L -

I just passed my ABP recertification exam. PBR was my primary study source. As a specialist who hasn’t practiced general pediatrics in 10 years, I was worried about the test. PBR prepared me to pass with flying colors.

Ashish Goyal, M.D. -

You are very welcome Dr. L! I’m so happy to have been able to help!

Brian Gillispie -

I used the PBR book but only found out about it 2 months before my recertification test. I passed the test in September and consider the PBR one of the main reasons- it was a great book.

Ashish Goyal, M.D. -

AWESOME! Love hearing about every success. Thank you so much for sharing!

Arif -

I am glad that I took this course for pediatric board recertification and passed very easily. I highly recommend Ashish course and praise his efforts.

Dr. T -

I used PBR for my Gen Peds MOC recertification and passed! I did not need PREP or any other sources. I wished it was available when I was studying for my initial certification 10 years ago. I would have not wasted so much time on PREP and unhelpful sources. PBR is incredible! Thank you so much Ashish for working so hard to put together this wonderful resource.

Ashish Goyal, M.D. -

You’re welcome Dr. T, and CONGRATS!!!

Dr. M -

I am a subspecialist haven’t practiced general pediatrics in over 15 years.
Last 2 times I recertified it was on a computer in my home so was concerned taking this exam back in a testing center.

Just took the general pediatric MOC and I passed using your review book.

Dr. M

Ashish Goyal, M.D. -

Congrats Dr. M! Thank you… thank you… THANK YOU for sharing!

Dr. H -

Thanks so much for the excellent review the PBR provided. It was instrumental in allowing me to pass the MOC recertification exam in Pediatrics!

Laurie McKillip -

I would not have passed if I didn’t have this material. I highly recommend PBR. This was the only study guide I used for MOC. I have a busy practice and family so studying for this exam was the lowest priority on my to-do list. I read through the material only once, but the information is direct and concise. I firmly believe that PBR made the difference between pass and fail. I was in the first group not to be certified “for life” in 1989 so this was the third time I had to re-certify. I just hope there is an update 7 years from now when I have to do it again.

Ashish Goyal, M.D. -

Awesome news Laurie! And VERY impressive how you passed on just ONE read through the PBR. As for updates, don’t worry… I’ve been publishing a new edition of PBR EVERY year since 2011 🙂

Take care and congrats!

Rashmi Dayal -

Thankk you Ashish for the PBR. I passed my MOC RECERTIFICATION in November 2013. It took me a while to get in the grove to actually study to take a exam ( last time I had to do it was in 1989 , when I passed my initial boards) I went thro PBR twice and 3 years of PREP questions.I really found the developmental milestones table very concise and easy to remember.

Priya -

The way PBR material is designed is unique. I found it very useful for my exam. Great ways to remember concepts. It was fun reading the material! When I first got the book I read the first 10 pages on the same day and couldn’t wait to finish it. It was very different to the other books that can be so boring when reading for exams! I read it two to three times in total prior to my exam and some topics more than three times. I Passed my FRCPC first time! I did read a few other books and materials because we have short answer questions as well as McQin the exam. Overall I really like it. very useful mnemonics that would help even beyond the exam in daily practice.

Rajeswari -

Thank you for helping me so much to pass the boards:)!!!

Its not for just the study materials but also for motivating me personally. Ashish might remember this but I am sharing this so others will know too. I bought PBR online access plus books around 2 months before the boards but I was using it along with too many other resources such a prep, medstudy books, medstudy and what not.

I was ignoring Ashish’s advise to only focus on PBR. 3 weeks before the boards I got so frustrated with my preparation that I felt like I should return PBR and just use my other old resources. I emailed Ashish for a refund and I was surprised when he personally emailed me and brought me back to track. I did cancel my online subscription but I literally lived, breathed and slept with the PBR books for the next few weeks I had.

The boards were not easy, and I really doubted if I would pass it but I did, thanks to PBR. I also think the boards have a lot of questions that you answer with your naturally/clinically acquired knowledge but PBR helps you prepare for the ones that can be prepared for.

Thank you again, Ashish. Wish you good luck in all your endeavors.

Andres -

Ashish I Passed!!!!!!!! I failed 2013, and Finally got it this year (2014). I followed your recipe, I signed up for you webinars, I did the OVC 3-4 times, I memorized your mnemonics. During the exam I kept on running them through my mind (you knacker!! Pee Knacer!!!). My son and I call each other pee knacker now… Anyway, what a great Xmas it will be, all because of PBR.

Your program exceeds all those other prep courses, I did a bunch of them. I even travelled from Texas to Ohio to that program in Cleveland, you know which one and your Program blows all these people out of the water.

You really help out your students, even when your own family and your own job needed you, you were there for us. I will be the first to tell you that it wasn’t in vain. Thank you so much Ashish, I couldn’t have done it without you and your staff, god bless you all…..


Jen Mackey -

For a working mother who does not have much time to study, the PBR was amazing and worth every penny.

This was my first pediatric MOC. I think the content was really dead on… the mnemonics were tough for me, but when I was in the actual recertification exam, I really felt like you covered everything that was on it.

Thanks again!

Mario -

Ashish, I am pediatric cardiologist. Just finished my training and unfortunately during the past 3 years I failed the ABP exam. This year I changed the method and heard from yours. I applied it and really felt confident about it. I passed the board! my score improved by 20 points from the previous “best” failed. Really a great job you do in simplifying things and boosting confidence to the costumers.

Thank you!



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