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Pediatrics Board Review: A Resource for Pediatric Residents and Pediatricians

  • Are you a pediatric resident?
  • Are you a pediatrician?
  • Have you failed the pediatric boards?

I've been surprised at how many orders have been placed from pediatricians in the United Kingdom (UK) and Asia.

But, who is Pediatrics Board Review written for? Well, the goal for PBR is to help anyone studying for their pediatric boards. It's a course written for pediatric residents and new pediatricians who are going to be taking the American Board of Pediatrics Initial Certification Exam.

PEDIATRICS RESIDENT Students - Pediatrics Board Review

  • ARE YOU A PEDIATRICIAN? Perfect! If you're going to take your boards soon, I can't stress how much you should get the Bundle Pack. You get pediatric board review questions, the core study guide, and of course, the first-time pass guarantee. The edge you get by joining the PBR community is a group of people you can lean on for questions, but the what really sets this resource apart from others is its approach. There is a tremendous focus on providing material in a concise and efficient manner that allows you to get through the material FAST. Imagine going through the Pediatric Dermatology chapter. Imagining what a rash looks is one thing, but having access to the online study guide allows you to click on our “online dermatology atlas.” Almost every picture has an example that you can view by clicking the link. The whole book is like that. Easy to use, intuitive and guaranteed to be resource you'll hold onto for years.
  • ARE YOU A PEDIATRICIAN? Perfect! If you're going to take your boards soon, I can't stress how much you should
  • get the Bundle Pack. You get pediatric board review questions, the core study guide, and of course, the first-time pass guarantee. The edge you get by joining the PBR community is a group of people you can lean on for questions, but the what really sets this resource apart from others is its approach. There is a tremendous focus on providing material in a concise and efficient manner that allows you to get through the material FAST. Imagine going through the Pediatric Dermatology chapter. Imagining what a rash looks is one thing, but having access to the online study guide allows you to click on our “online dermatology atlas.” Almost every picture has an example that you can view by clicking the link. The whole book is like that. Easy to use, intuitive and guaranteed to be resource you'll hold onto for years.
  • HAVE YOU FAILED THE PEDIATRIC BOARDS? SO DID I! It must sound crazy that a guy who failed the boards has written these study guides. It was the first standardized test I had ever failed. I studied the most well-known and most commonly used courses. I spent over $2500 on the books, pediatrics board review DVD series, questions, etc. I knew within the first hour of the exam that I was in deep trouble. I went through a lot that day, and night. I completely changed my study techniques and strategies and blew away the exam the next year. I had barely missed the passing score the first time around. The second time, I INCREASED MY SCORE BY 40%, HAD A PASSING SCORE WELL OVER 500, AND I PASSED BY OVER 120 POINTS. YES, IT CAN BE DONE! If you're one of the many folks out there that have failed once, twice, or even three times… many of your emails come to me with a sense of defeat. I'm not a genius. Never have been. Never will be. But I work hard. Use these materials and follow my instructions explicitly, and I'm telling you, you CAN PASS.What are you waiting for? Click here and get your study guide!




Ashish Goyal, M.D.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments
PS -

Is there anyone who can comment on using the PBR and has passed???

RG -

Hi, I was one of the PBR users. It was my first time taking the Peds Boards and I was admittedly nervous especially as I became a mommy just a few months ago! With barely any time at hand to study, the PBR came in as an very handy tool for me! I especially liked the visual aids and mnemonics. The topics are covered pointwise, and prioritized based on relevance for the exam. I also picked up many tips and clinical nuggets from the question bank. To my pleasant surprise, Ashish sent a bunch of little attachments a few days prior to the exam which was a great tool to refresh some important topics prior to the exam!!

I am delighted that I passed the exam in first time despite my very difficult setting and I strongly endorse PBR for all Peds Boards aspirants!!!!


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