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The Pediatric Boards Pass Rate Could be 100% This Year!

I Know You Don't Believe It, But It's TRUE!

The pediatric boards pass rate had been horrendous for years. BUT, after a very long time, the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) finally decided to make some long-needed changes in 2012. In the prior years, your grade was essentially determined based on a curve. The curve was meant to ensure that 20-25% of first-time test takers failed the pediatric boards resulting in a pediatric board pass rate of about 75 – 80%. So, your chances of success were determined by the mix of your peers. If your peers were smarter than you, that meant you were more likely to fail!

ABP scoring changes

The ABP's Updated Method of Grading

Now, the ABP has simplified the grading process. You will be given a passing score based on the same grading systems used in elementary schools. If you get more than a certain number of questions correct, you pass. That's it! Based on my discussions with the American Board of Pediatrics when these changes initially came about, the percentage of questions needing to be answered correctly to pass was in the range of 70 to 75%. Since the change in grading methodology came about, the pass rates have fluctuated. At one point, the pass rate was a staggering 91% after these changes were made. Unfortunately, they subsequently came down into the low 80s again.

Does this mean that the percentage of questions needed to be answered correctly has gone up? Perhaps. Or, there is speculation that the percentage is the same, but the test-taker's ability to have “Deep Study” has changed.

These changes had truly been a long time coming. Much of it had to with policies set forth by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Regardless, it is surely a more FAIR and EASIER system to grade pediatricians taking the boards.

Approximately 50% of the pediatricians that come to PBR come to us because they have previously failed the pediatric board exam by using other study materials and they are now looking for a new solution. It's been heartbreaking to see pediatricians fail repeatedly, but with the new way of grading the exam, perhaps there will be a day when the pass rate is close to 100%.

Until then, we'll continue to help pediatricians prepare for, and pass the boards. We've helped Dr. Pablo Chagoya pass on his TENTH attempt. We've helped another physician pass on her ELENVTH attempt. We've helped many pediatricians pass on their 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th attempts. Meaning, when we have helped pediatricians pass even when the world has written them off.

If we can help them pass, we can help you pass too. So, if you are seeking board certification through the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), make sure you're using the best pediatric board review study guides and resources and that you follow the instructions to the letter. If you do, you will pass! We even have a Money Back First-Time Pass Guarantee!


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Ashish Goyal, M.D.

Dr. D. -

I have failed the ABP exam three times. It’s not necessary to comment on the emotional, psychological, and financial toll it has taken. I just hope your statement above is true. Mind boggling how many repeat PEDS test takers there are compared to other specialties. Unfortunately I have come to hear about Coach Peggy in the last round. Wish me best of luck and alignment in the stars to pass this test finally.

Ashish -

Hi Dr. D. Thanks for the comment. Having had a failed pediatric boards experience one time myself, I completely understand the emotional toll you’ve mentioned, and it is most definitely shocking how many people fail the peds boards. The failure rate of 20-25% seems high enough to begin with, but I wonder what it is for repeat test takers? As for Coach Peggy’s course, if this truly is your last time taking the boards I think you should take it. I know time can be an issue, but it’s possible that Peggy and I could even work out a 1-day crash course option. Regardless, thanks for the comment and best of luck next month.

Greg Garrison -

To whom it may concern, I have failed the boards twice and devastation does not adequately describe the impact. I am 54, I have been in practice 15 years, I have never had a law suit, I am well respected, I see 30 to 40 patients a day and manage 2 other Pediatricians and a Nurse Practioner and manage and own a successful practice but I am not board certified. At this point I am completely frozen, I don’t know how to find the time or energy to study and prepare for the boards and continue seeing the patients and managing the practice. And now the ABP is threatening me with residency remediation. I am frozen and feel helpless. I don’t expect a response, I will continue dealing with this myself.

Ashish -

Hi Greg. I understand how difficult this must be for you. I guess the one thing that I would say is that while board certification is something that you have not attained yet, you ARE running a successful practice. In order to continue running the practice, you DO NOT need to be board certified at this time. While it’s possible that your state, or even some insurance companies, might change this rule in the future… for now the addition of ABP board certification will not help you in any way if you are only dealing with an outpatient practice.

When/if the time comes for you to take the boards, I hope my website will be of some guidance to you.

– AG

Greg Garrison -

Thank you Ashish for understanding and appreciating the difficult situation I am in. I still remain uncertain what to do and depressed that I see no way out. Thanks again, Greg

Ashish -

For many people, the following gives them a great deal of hope and renewed energy:

Unfortunately, the next available slot is not until June, and I’d recommend that you start finding some energy to start studying sooner than that.

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