Is PBR’S Board Prep Coaching Course Really Hitting 100%?
At 4 PM EST on 7/18/12, PBR's Board Prep Coaching program went LIVE!
20 slots were allotted by PBR's Coach. 10 on 7/17 for PBR members and 10 on 7/18 for the general public. In total, 24 slots were somehow filled due to the massive demand and the course sold out within hours.
People were frantic to learn how PBR's Coaching Program can boost their chances ofpassing to > 90%!
The “Coaching” goes way beyond the content. Coaching methods help you quickly dissect questions so that you’re left with the correct answer, even when you don’t have a handle on the content! We also teach you how to leave your hang-ups (fear, anxiety, nausea, insomnia, palpitations) at the door so that they don’t interfere with your performance.
The Coach was a medical board exam preparation genius who had been doing this for decades, and now her one-on-one courses are being made to members of the PBR community. UPDATE: PBR COACHING has gone fully digital and purely online.
“It is really important to do everything she says… I tookthat exam more times than I care to admit… I passed the FIRSTtime after working with Peggy… with plenty of room to spare.”– Dr. MG
If you've failed once, the chances that you'll fail again are high…but NOT with PBR COACHING! Last year we worked with 10 pediatricianswho couldn't stop failing the boards.
That's WAY BETTER than the national average for FIRST-TIMEtest-takers.
Not only does the PBR Coach work with her students over Skype and phone after theyleave Missouri, but if someone happens to fail, she NEVER stops working withthem until they pass.
PBR is 100% committed to 100% success… guaranteed.