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Answer: Can You Name This Uniform Pediatric Dermatology Rash?

QUESTION: Can you name this rash?

CLUES: It might be described as a rash on the extensor surfaces, uniform in color without central clearing. It can scale, ooze and/or crust.

ANSWER: Find it below the image.




NUMMULAR ECZEMA: Coin-shaped eczematous lesions usually on the EXTENSOR SURFACE of extremities. As mentioned, lesions are uniform, without any central clearing and may ooze, crust or scale. Treat with steroids.

PEDIATRIC MNEMONICS: Now you probably know that the word “nummular” means coin-shaped, round or oval. Imagine standing with with your arms abducted with your palms facing down. You try to stand still while you balance extremely HOT, UNIFORMLY-COLORED, silver COINS on the BACK OF YOUR ARMS (extensor surfaces).

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Ashish Goyal, M.D.

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