
Category Archives for "Failed Pediatric Boards"

Failed Pediatric Boards? Find Success with Our Blueprint

If You Failed the Pediatric Boards, It’s Time to Study Smarter (Not Harder)

Failed Pediatric Boards Again Scores with PBRA failed pediatric boards attempt is devastating. Although I'm now the author of the Pediatrics Board Review (PBR) study guides, I failed the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) initial certification exam the first time I took the boards. I know what you're thinking, but before you throw yourself back into the depths of studying, here are two things you need to understand:

  1. Failing the boards doesn’t make you a bad pediatrician.
  1. Passing the pediatric boards will have more to do with having a comprehensive strategy than studying harder.

After failing the pediatric boards, your chances of passing decline by almost 50%. Having helped pediatricians pass the boards after as many as NINE prior failed attempts, I'm confident that you can increase your chances of passing with an effective study schedule and the right study guides in place.

What Do My Pediatric Board Results Mean?

There are a number of factors that led to your pediatric board examination results being less than 180. It could be due to 1 factor or it could be due to 10 factors. Meaning, that if you are only focusing on the board scores in isolation, you are likely to repeat your mistakes and fail again in the board exams. While you're familiar with some of the factors that can lead to success on your pediatric board exam, there are many that you probably haven't considered.

One important factor is creating a study schedule to ensure you cover all the necessary material. By following a study schedule, you can increase your chances of achieving high scores on your exam. These scores will play a crucial role in shaping your future as a pediatrician. Before you begin studying, consider all of the factors that could have led to your failure and strategize around them to create a comprehensive pediatric boards study plan.

Success Factors Related to Passing the ABP's Pediatric Exam

  • Tailoring your study schedule is crucial for achieving high examination scores. Personalized preparation, with the guidance of mentors, can help mitigate the risk of failing the boards
  • The pass rate of your pediatrics residency program is directly linked to the risk of failing your examination board scores
  • Your USMLE Step 1 pass/fail scores in med school are related to your personal risk of failing
  • Your in-training exam scores are related to your personal risk of failing
  • Repetition of study content breeds reinforcement of difficult concepts
  • Your available time and the density of your study materials will impact your ability to have repetition, which can greatly improve your scores
  • Studying from multiple resources prevents repetition of your core resource and helps improve your understanding and scores
  • Board review questions should be used to assess your test-taking strategy, not build knowledge
  • Study sessions should be long and uninterrupted
  • Multimodal studying at key points of your board preparation is crucial
  • The ABP Content Outline and prior ABP score reports should not be the basis of your study plan
  • Sleep hygiene should be excellent
  • Personal, professional, and social obligations must be limited
  • Distractions must be eliminated in order to have a “Deep Study”
  • The time of day, when you study, is critical
  • Abortive techniques for test-taking anxiety require practice
  • Investment of time, energy, and money into success factors is required to pass

Study Schedule for Repeat Board Exam Test-Takers

Personalized Study Schedule for Board Success

This article outlines a detailed schedule that will help you pass the boards if you have failed the pediatric boards. Specifically, how to do so with materials that will help you (not fail you) during your next pediatric board exam. Remember, there are 3 pillars to passing the pediatric boards: Content, Test-Taking Strategy, and Commitment. Your failure(s) on the boards may have been due to a lack of knowledge or a lack of test-taking strategy. For most people reading this, failure was a result of a combination of both. For many, the commitment to spend the time, energy, and money to help secure the pediatric knowledge and test-taking strategy needed to pass the exam was also a major contributor.

The 16-week schedule provided below will give you the pediatric knowledge that you need to pass the boards. For help with test-taking strategy, poor attention to detail, falling for traps on the board exam, challenges with pacing, and problems attaining high-quality studying, the PBR article on test-taking strategy is a must read.

Throughout this study schedule, you’ll find references to the AAP PREP® series of questions. Note that while those questions are well-structured and thorough, you should use multiple question banks this year. Use each question to help you develop, or refine, your test-taking strategy. Do not use questions as a source of study material. You can learn much more about this recommendation in a PBR article on how to best use the AAP PREP® questions.

If you are a first-time test-taker, and you consider yourself a good test-taker, you have done well on prior board exams, and you come from a residency program with a high pass rate, then this schedule isn’t right for you. Read the PBR article discussing a less rigorous 14-week study schedule for first-time test-takers.

The Benefits of Starting Board Preparation Early

Please note that while the 16-week schedule in this article provides the pediatric knowledge needed to pass the boards, I strongly recommend starting as early as January. Repetition reinforces learning, and this allows for a a greater opportunity for multiple rounds of reading. Additionally, starting early gives you the best chance of staying on track, even if unexpected personal or professional events arise. Remember, this schedule is just one part of the overall preparation process, and beginning sooner will significantly increase your likelihood of success.


Highlights of the 2023 Pediatrics Board Review Edition Before you dive into studying, it's important to understand how to best use a highlighter to increase your efficiency as you go through the schedule. As a high-risk test-taker, you should aim to repeat your core material (the PBR Core Study Guide and the PBR Q&A Book) at least 5 times. With a little help, this is absolutely doable.

For each round of the material, highlight (or underline) only the areas you are interested in reviewing again. If you believe that you know something well enough to recall it on the day of the exam, don’t highlight it. If you believe you need to review at least 1 more time, highlight it.

How using different colors can aid in information retention and organization

For the first round, use a light-colored highlighter. In subsequent readings, switch to a slightly darker shade each time and focus only on the content highlighted in the latest round. If it wasn't highlighted in the latest round, skip it. There's no need to revisit familiar material and waste precious study time at this point in the process. In one of your later rounds of going through the material, you should skim through any information that has not been highlighted in the latest round.

For my highly successful second attempt at the boards, I used these colors during each study pass:

  1. Pale Yellow
  2. Pale Pink
  3. Pale Orange
  4. Pale Green
  5. Pale Blue

On your first pass, you might highlight up to 80% of the book in yellow. That's normal. By the 5th pass, you might only need to review 20%-30% of the content marked in green. In the final weeks, focus only on the blue-highlighted areas and go through those sections as many times as possible before the exam. This approach will help you curate your study sessions to concentrate on areas that are specific challenges for you, rather than wasting time reviewing familiar topics.


This comprehensive study schedule includes both PBR books (Core Study Guide and Q&A Book) and AAP PREP ® questions. Set aside 500 hours to go through approximately 440 pages of core content and over 700 practice questions. Here’s the schedule breakdown:

  • Weeks 1-4: First round through the core content
  • Weeks 5-10: Second round
  • Weeks 11-14: Third and fourth rounds +/- practice exams (aka mock exams)
  • Weeks 15-16: Fifth round +/- a mock exam

As a repeat test-taker, the key to your success will be to read the PBR material at least FIVE times to establish familiarity, identify patterns in the material, and promote strong reinforcement through repetition. The pediatric board exam focuses less on how much ‘knowledge’ you have, and more on your ability to select the right diagnosis or next step. By identifying the similarities and differences between diseases, you will get a deeper understanding of the material., and by learning test-taking strategy, you will be able to answer some questions with only limited knowledge.

Spend no more than 5 minutes on each of the 700 questions (an average of 75-90 seconds to answer each question and no more 3.5 minutes to review). At 5 minutes per question, that’s about 60 hours (700 questions multiplied by 5 minutes). Again, use this time to focus on test-taking strategy rather than focusing on trying to learn pediatrics by going through questions. As you get closer to the exam, decrease the time per question to 75 seconds since that’s what will be expected on the actual exam. You will spend the remaining 340 hours going through the PBR core content. Make sure you treat both PBR books (Core Study Guide and the Q&A Book) as core content that you must know. Okay… here we go!


Allocate 130 hours over 6 weeks in your study schedule (roughly 21 hours each week). The goal for the first 6 weeks is to read through everything carefully and make all the notes, drawings, and mnemonics you need to ensure complete understanding. Highlighting/underline/bracket only the areas that you think will need more review and repetition. Read the PBR article on creating mnemonics if creating mnemonics doesn't come naturally to you. Aim for an average of 18 minutes per page to cover approximately 430 pages of core content. Do any cross-referencing of facts needed but spend no more than 5 minutes outside of the PBR resources so you don’t get drawn into the black hole of Google. If you still struggle with some of the content, then post your questions in PBR’s private Discord group.

Break up your studying with an average of 5 AAP PREP® questions per day to work on your test-taking strategy. At 35 questions per week, you should be aiming for 210 questions over this 6-week period. Questions will take about 3 hours of your time each week. This first 130 hours is crucial to anyone who has failed the pediatric boards. Approach this as a marathon, not a sprint.


After having gone through the book in painstaking detail once, the second round should be much quicker (approximately 86 hours). Aim for an average of 12 minutes per page. Like the first 4 weeks, break up your studying with an average of 5 AAP PREP® questions. Aim for 5 min per question, including the answer review. By the end of Week #10, you will have completed an additional 140 questions for a total of 350 questions.


Map out Your Study Schedule Stick to the schedule and stay disciplined. You should now be familiar with the PBR content, but continue reviewing the books a few more times to develop the solid knowledge base you’ll need to pass the exam. For the next 4 weeks, read the PBR materials 2 more times. Aim for approximately 10 minutes or less per page (roughly 72 hours per round). If the 3rd read through takes 3 weeks, that’s OKAY because your 4th and 5th readings are even faster. Also, there is built-in “cushion” time within this schedule.

For these two reads, focus on refreshing your memory of familiar topics and work to cement your knowledge of the difficult ones. If you're mentally struggling or have questions about the PBR content, reach out to members of the private Pediatrics Board Review Discord Group or submit your questions through the PBR “ASK THE EXPERT” question portals. If you find that you are moving through the content faster than 10 minutes per page, consider using the extra time to review recently visited chapters to promote even greater repetition of the challenging topics.

Continue working on questions with an average of 5 AAP PREP ® questions per day. At this point, you may want to consider batching questions and doing 12-18 questions per sitting as you aim for your 35 questions per week. If you would like to do a mock exam before the exam, this would be a good time to set one up to work on your pacing and your test day schedule (more details below).


By the 15th week, you should have made it through at least four rounds of the material. You should now have a solid foundation of the pediatric knowledge needed to pass the boards. During your 5th reading, VERY quickly read the topics you know well to ensure your understanding is correct and continue to focus on the more challenging topics in depth until they’re cemented in your mind. The challenging topics should be easy to identify if you’ve been using different color highlighters for each successive reading.

Since you will primarily be reviewing the difficult topics, it’s possible that your average pace could be faster than the recommended 10 minutes per page. Use the extra time to hone your test-taking strategy, review recently visited chapters, or do a mock exam. If your exam is within two weeks, the best thing you can do during this time is to repeatedly review the areas you are struggling with as many times as possible. That will be the key to your success.

Continue practicing your test-taking strategy on practice questions from the AAP and other question banks. By the end of the 16th week, you will have done about 560 questions (35 per week x 16 weeks). That leaves 140 questions remaining to reach 700. By this point, you should be comfortably pacing at approximately 75 seconds per question, and you should consider doing larger batches of questions.


While studying is a crucial part of passing the boards, getting familiar with the test environment is just as important for your pediatric board prep. If time allows, I recommend taking at least 1 mock exam before the actual exam. This will give you a good understanding of how the very long day of testing will go. You can consider taking one full exam in a day, or you can consider taking a half-mock exam one morning and another half-mock exam the next afternoon to gauge your energy levels at different times of the day.

Here are a few key tips to keep in mind when setting up your mock exam:

  • Use multiple question banks. Many different pediatricians across the country write questions for the boards. This means every question can have a different personality to it (I would know since I've written questions for the ABP too). Getting familiar with the many different ways questions can be written ensures that you will not get blind-sided on test day.
  • Recognize that taking a mock exam is about more than your score. It’s about understanding the challenges and barriers that come with a very long day and then optimizing your behaviors to ensure that you are the best version of yourself from the beginning to the end. Start working on your test day habits now, and replicate them on test day.
  • Set up your exam block timer and the timer for your breaks exactly as the ABP sets them up. If you need help setting up a mock exam, be sure to read the PBR article on the exam structure of the ABP Initial Certification exam.


Watch the videos below to see how these PBR members overcame prior failed pediatric board experiences.


Dr. Moses made the common error of studying from board review questions. Watch this video to see how ultimately passed the boards.


Dr. Castro made the mistake of trying to use multiple resources to study. She failed five times but got a great new job and $20,000 more in her annual pay after passing. Watch the video below to see how she did it.


Dr. Lockhart passed every medical board exam until the ABP initial certification exam. She even failed once with PBR because she refused to invest the recommended resources. Watch the video below to see what happened after her third failed attempt.

The members above passed after attending PBR's Live Test-Taking Strategies & Deep Study Course. If you truly want the best chance of passing, learn about PBR's VIP Bundle that helped one doctor pass after NINE prior failed attempts.

Do you have the right resources and the commitment to do what is needed to pass the boards? If you follow the study schedule outlined above, and if you use the VIP Bundle to include a strong focus on test-taking strategy, then you will pass the pediatric board exam. The Live Test-Taking Strategies & Deep Study Course is included in the VIP Bundle, and it is an absolute must for every pediatrician who is at moderate or high risk of failing the boards.

The VIP Bundle also includes the No Brainer package, which includes PBR's multimodal study materials to help you build your fund of knowledge, an Online Test-Taking Strategies Course (a great warm-up for your Live Test-Taking Strategies Course), and up to three 90-Day Personalized Study Schedules created by Team PBR. After filling out a questionnaire about yourself, your pace of reading, and your available days to study, Team PBR will take care of the rest.

Not a PBR member yet? What are you waiting for? Click HERE now and get ready to pass the pediatric boards!


Strategies for Improving Board Scores After a Failed Pediatric Board Exam

Failed Pediatric Board Exam? We Have Strategies for Improving Pediatric Board Scores

If you failed the pediatric boards, it can be a devastating blow for pediatricians. The pressure to take the pediatric board exam can be immense. That is why Ashish Goyal, MD founded the Pediatrics Board Review® (PBR) after he failed the pediatric boards on his first attempt. Failing the pediatric board exam can definitely shake the confidence of pediatricians and their dreams of becoming board-certified pediatricians. Passing the boards is a crucial milestone for pediatricians, as it is a tremendous factor in their career advancement and their eligibility to practice at reputable hospitals and group pediatric practices.

A pediatrician has a failed pediatric board examIn this blog post, we will explore the importance of test-taking strategies and how they can help us overcome failures and setbacks in the pursuit of success. We will discuss the importance of seeking support and guidance after experiencing a failed pediatric board exam. Embracing a growth mindset is key to this process. By testing different approaches and strategies, we can learn from our experiences and adapt accordingly. Additionally, surrounding ourselves with like-minded pediatricians who share our experiences and goals can provide valuable support and encouragement. This is especially true when participating in a community where we can learn from other's experiences and gain new perspectives.

Stay tuned to discover effective strategies to regain your confidence, enhance your knowledge, and prepare yourself for passing your pediatric boards. We have plenty of resources for pediatricians who have failed the pediatric boards and strategies for improving pediatric board scores.

Implications of Failing the Pediatric Boards

Career Setbacks and Concerns

Failing the pediatric board exam can temporarily delay career advancement for pediatricians seeking their board certification. While disappointing, setbacks are an expected part of professional growth. By learning from this experience, pediatricians can develop greater knowledge and skills that allow them to better serve patients in the long run. So, don't be discouraged if you failed the pediatric boards on your first attempt. Take a few minutes to reflect on the questions you struggled with and use them as an opportunity to improve. From first-time test-takers to those who have previously failed the pediatric boards up to 9 times with other board review companies, all have found success through PBR. The key is to maintain positivity and focus on continuous improvement.

Emotional Challenges and Self-Doubt

If you failed the pediatric boards, it can take an emotional toll on pediatricians. It's natural to feel disappointed, frustrated, or even embarrassed about a failed pediatric board exam. This can be especially challenging for pediatricians who have worked hard and prepared diligently. However, it's important to remember that your pediatric board results are not a reflection of your intelligence or worth as a pediatrician. Instead, they provide valuable feedback that can help you identify areas for improvement and guide your future learning. Self-doubt may creep in, making you question whether you're cut out for pediatrics or medicine in general.

During this time, it's crucial to acknowledge and process these emotions. It's important to ask yourself questions about the test and evaluate your scores. ABP is a key factor to consider. Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, and especially mentors who can provide encouragement and remind you of your strengths. These individuals can be instrumental in answering any questions you may have about the pediatric boards and helping you improve your scores. Remember that failure in the ABP test is not uncommon nor indicative of future success; many successful board-certified pediatricians have faced similar setbacks with their scores but persevered through proper guidance. There are plenty of helpful resources, study guides and test-taking strategies for improving pediatric board scores.

Opportunities for Growth and Improvement

While a pediatrician that failed the pediatric boards might feel like its a major setback initially, it also presents opportunities for personal growth and improvement. It's important to address any lingering questions about the ABP Initial Certification exam and develop a plan to tackle it successfully in the future. Take this experience as a chance to reflect on areas where you need further development and focus your efforts on strengthening those skills. Ask yourself questions about your development and use the ABP framework to guide your efforts.

Consider seeking additional resources such as study guides, online courses, or tutoring sessions to enhance your knowledge base in specific areas of pediatrics. Use this setback as motivation to work harder and prove yourself when retaking the exam. A failed pediatric board exam gives you firsthand experience with resilience and perseverance. It teaches you how to bounce back from failure and continue pursuing your goals despite setbacks. These qualities are invaluable in the medical field, where challenges are bound to arise throughout your career.

Strategies for Improving Pediatric Board Scores

Identifying areas of weakness and developing a targeted study plan

So, you've failed the pediatric boards. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us! The first step towards success is identifying the areas where you struggled. Take some time to reflect on your performance and pinpoint the specific topics or concepts that gave you trouble. Once you have identified these areas of weakness, you can develop a targeted study plan to address them head-on.

Here's what you can do:

  • Break down the content: Divide the subject matter into smaller, manageable chunks. This will help prevent overwhelm and allow for focused studying.
  • Prioritize weak areas: Determine which topics require more attention based on their weightage in the exam. Focus on these areas first before moving on to others. This is one of the most important strategies for improving pediatric board scores.
  • Seek additional resources: Look for study materials, textbooks, online courses, or video tutorials that specifically cover the topics you struggled with. These resources can provide alternative explanations and examples that may resonate with your learning style.

Utilizing resources such as practice exams and study guides

To improve your chances of success in your retake, it's essential to utilize all available resources at your disposal. For pediatricians that failed the pediatric boards, practice exams and study guides are valuable tools that can help reinforce your understanding of key concepts and familiarize yourself with the format of the test and how to answer board style questions.

Consider these options:

  • Practice exams: Take advantage of practice exams designed specifically for pediatric boards preparation. These mock tests simulate real exam conditions and allow you to gauge your progress while identifying areas that still need improvement.
  • Study guides: Invest in reputable study guides that provide comprehensive coverage of the exam content. These guides often offer tips, mnemonics, and concise summaries that can aid in retention and recall.

Seeking mentorship or tutoring to enhance understanding

Strategies for improving pediatric board scoresSometimes, seeking guidance from experienced individuals in the field can make all the difference in improving your understanding and performance. Mentorship or tutoring can provide personalized support tailored to your specific needs.

Here's how it can help:

  • One-on-one guidance: Working with a mentor allows for individualized attention and the opportunity to ask questions and clarify doubts.
  • Expert insights: Mentors, like Dr. Goyal, who have successfully passed the pediatric boards can offer valuable insights into effective study strategies for improving pediatric board scores, exam-taking techniques, and content review.

Implementing effective time management techniques

Time management plays a crucial role in maximizing your study efforts and ensuring you cover all necessary material before the retake. By implementing effective time management techniques, you can make the most of your available study hours without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.

Consider these tips:

  1. Create a study schedule: Develop a structured study plan that allocates specific time slots for each topic or subject area. Stick to this schedule as much as possible to maintain consistency.
  2. Use timers: Set timers for focused study sessions, allowing yourself short breaks in between to rest and recharge.
  3. Prioritize high-yield topics: Identify the key concepts that are more likely to appear on the exam and allocate more time towards mastering them.
  4. Avoid multitasking: Focus on one topic at a time rather than trying to juggle multiple subjects simultaneously.

Remember, failing the pediatric boards doesn't define your abilities as a future pediatrician. Following strategies for improving pediatric board scores with determination, targeted studying, and strategic planning, you can improve your chances of success in your retake of the pediatric boards!

Addressing the Perception of Failure

Challenging societal stigmas surrounding exam failures can be tough, but it's essential to remember if you failed the pediatric boards that doesn't define your worth or competence as a pediatrician. It's crucial to cultivate self-confidence despite external judgment and focus on personal growth rather than dwelling on past failures.

Cultivating Self-Confidence Despite External Judgment

It's easy to let self-doubt creep in. However, it's important to remember that even the most successful pediatricians have faced setbacks along their journey. Instead of letting negative thoughts consume you, focus on building resilience and cultivating self-confidence.

One way to do this is by reframing failure as an opportunity for growth. Rather than viewing a failed pediatric board exam as an issue of incompetence, see it as a chance to learn from mistakes and improve your knowledge and skills. Embrace a growth mindset that values effort and perseverance over immediate success.

Communicating Openly with Colleagues, Mentors, and Employers

Community to support pediatricians after they failed the pediatric boardsIt can be tempting to hide your exam failure from others due to fear of judgment or embarrassment. However, communicating openly about your experience can lead to valuable support and guidance from colleagues, mentors, and employers who have likely encountered similar challenges in their own careers.

Reach out to trusted colleagues or mentors who can provide advice based on their own experiences. They may offer insights into specific study strategies or resources that could help you better prepare for future attempts at the pediatric boards. Discussing your situation with employers can foster understanding and create opportunities for additional support during this time.

Focusing on Personal Growth Rather Than Dwelling on Past Failures

While it's natural to feel disappointed after failing an exam like the pediatric boards, dwelling on past failures won't help you move forward. Instead of fixating on what went wrong or comparing yourself unfavorably to others who passed, shift your focus towards personal growth and improvement.

Identify the areas where you struggled the most during the exam and use that information to ask yourself targeted questions. What specific topics or question types were challenging? Were there any time management issues? By pinpointing these areas of weakness, you can create a plan to address them effectively in future study sessions.

Remember, everyone's journey is unique, and success is not always immediate. The pediatric boards are known for their difficulty, with multiple hard questions designed to challenge even the most knowledgeable examinees. Highlight your progress and celebrate small victories along the way as you work towards achieving your goal.

Crafting an Effective Study Schedule

To increase your chances of passing the pediatric boards, find resources and test-taking strategies for improving pediatric board scores. This will help you manage your time effectively and cover all the necessary subjects. Let's explore some key tips for crafting an effective study schedule that suits your needs.

Balancing Work-Life Commitments

When creating your study schedule, it's crucial to consider your work-life commitments. You don't want to overload yourself with studying and neglect other aspects of your life. Find a balance that allows you to allocate dedicated time for studying while still fulfilling your responsibilities at work or school.

Allocating Time for Each Subject Area

The pediatric boards cover various subject areas, so it's important to allocate dedicated time for each one. Divide your study sessions into specific blocks for topics like cardiology, pulmonology, infectious diseases, and more. This way, you can ensure comprehensive coverage of all the content outlined in the examination.

Incorporating Regular Breaks

Studying for long periods without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased focus. It's crucial to incorporate regular breaks into your study schedule. Take short intervals between study sessions to relax and recharge. This will help maintain your concentration levels and prevent mental fatigue. PBR offers personalized study schedules for pediatricians based on their

Adapting Your Study Schedule Based on Learning Style

Everyone has a unique learning style, whether it's visual, auditory, or kinesthetic (hands-on). Consider how you learn best when crafting your study schedule. If you're a visual learner, incorporate diagrams or flashcards into your sessions. If you're an auditory learner, find audio courses for the pediatric boards and listen .

Utilizing Practice Questions and Core Study Guides

Practice questions are invaluable resources when preparing for exams like the pediatric boards. Incorporate them into your study schedule regularly as they help reinforce knowledge and familiarize you with exam-style questions. Make use of core study guides recommended by your program or trusted sources to ensure you cover all the essential topics.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Remember that your study schedule should be flexible and adaptable. As you progress through your studies, you may identify areas where you need more time or additional resources. Be open to adjusting your schedule accordingly to address any weaknesses or challenges you encounter along the way.

By crafting an effective study schedule that balances work-life commitments, allocates time for each subject area, incorporates regular breaks, adapts to your learning style, and utilizes practice questions and core study guides, you'll set yourself up for success on exam day. Remember to stay consistent with your schedule and track your progress regularly to gauge improvement in exam scores.

Moving Forward from Failure

A pediatrician celebrating after following strategies for improving pediatric board scoresYou've gained valuable insights into the implications of failing the pediatric boards, strategies for improving pediatric board scores, and addressing the perception of failure, career opportunities, crafting an effective study schedule, and leveraging support by joining a new practice. Now it's time to take action and move forward from this setback.

Remember that failing doesn't define you as a person or a professional. It's merely a stepping stone on your journey to success. Embrace this experience as an opportunity for growth and learning. Just like a butterfly emerges stronger after struggling to break free from its cocoon, you too can rise above this challenge.

Now is the time to dust yourself off and get back in the game. Develop a clear plan of action based on the strategies outlined earlier. Create a study schedule that works for you and stick to it religiously. Seek support from mentors, colleagues, or online communities who can provide guidance and encouragement along the way. For more strategies for improving pediatric board scores, check out our blog on test-taking strategies and learn about how Dr. Goyal previously failed the pediatric boards and what he did to overcome my fear of the pediatric boards.


Can I retake the pediatric boards?

Yes, you can definitely retake the exam if you failed the pediatric boards. Many professionals have faced setbacks before achieving their goals. Take some time to reflect on what went wrong in your previous attempt and devise a plan to improve your weaknesses.

How long should I wait before retaking the exam?

The waiting period between exam attempts varies depending on your specific situation and jurisdiction requirements. Consult with your local medical board or certification body for accurate information regarding when you can retake the pediatric boards.

Are there any additional resources I should consider using?

Absolutely! In addition to studying materials provided by your medical school or residency program, consider exploring online resources such as question banks, review courses, and study guides specifically designed for pediatric board preparation. These resources can provide valuable practice questions and targeted content review.

Should I disclose my previous failure when applying for jobs?

While it's important to be transparent and honest in your job applications, disclosing that you failed the pediatric boards is a personal decision. Consider how it may impact your chances and weigh the pros and cons. If you choose to disclose, emphasize what you have learned from the experience and how it has made you a stronger candidate.

How can I stay motivated throughout my journey?

Staying motivated after you failed the pediatric boards can be challenging, but it's crucial for success. Set small, achievable goals along the way and reward yourself when you accomplish them. Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it's supportive friends or mentors who believe in your abilities. Remember why you pursued pediatrics in the first place and let that passion fuel your determination to succeed.


Pediatric Board Exam Results 2022

Well, friends, the results of the 2022 pediatrics board exam have been announced! This is always an emotional time for pediatricians. For us here at PBR HQ, it's also overwhelming because we get flooded with emails from the members who have worked so hard over the past year, and have now FINALLY passed the boards!

The stories from our 2022 members have been wonderful. To have members say that we have changed their lives has been nothing less than humbling. Our members are also providing feedback on making the resources we have even better so that the PBR system continues to be the best pediatric board review available. While we are known for being the premier resource for anyone at moderate to high risk of failing the pediatric boards, the results below will help you see that if we can help pediatricians pass after SIX failed attempts, then helping you pass the pediatric board exam should be easy.

In this article, I’ll be covering:

  • The pass rate for PBR members and first-time test takers
  • Feedback from our board-certified alumni on how to pass the pediatric board exams
  • Reflect on the pediatric board exam results 2022
  • Next Steps if you FAILED the boards (and common mistakes to avoid to make sure you pass next year)
  • Free upcoming webinar on how to ensure you pass the 2023 pediatric boards

Click Here And Continue Reading…

Test-Taking Strategies for Medical Board Exams


Test-taking strategy is often overlooked when you are preparing for your board exams, yet it can be the difference between passing or failing. Since there is no question that physicians are extremely bright, why is it that even great physicians often fail their board exams?

Answer: A good clinician is not the same thing as a good test-taker.

When I failed the boards the first time, I was confused. I felt like I had a good handle on the material, but I quickly realized that how you treat a board style question is very different than how you should treat a patient. But it was too late. I had the “standard” top to bottom approach to answering board-style questions, and I ultimately failed the board exam.

I simply did not know how to approach the questions on the test effectively.

And this isn’t uncommon.

However, during my 2nd attempt at the pediatric board exam, I had a strong focus on pacing and a strategic approach to questions. That led to me not only passing my boards, but I increased my score by 160 points! I scored above the national average, and after failing the previous year, the American Board of Pediatrics asked me to write questions for them.

The skill set needed to be a master clinician is completely different than the skill set needed to be a master test-taker and win this “board-game”. Developing this strategy requires training and education like any other skill that you have had to practice. But with practice, you can have dramatic increases in your score like this member of our test-taking strategy course.

Learn Test-Taking Strategies for Medical Board Exams

Learn Test-Taking Strategies for Medical Board Exams


What am I supposed to do

What am I supposed to do?

While having a strong knowledge base is important to pass the pediatrics boards, it will mean nothing if you are unable to apply what you know to the test.

If you consider yourself to be a test-taker with average (or below average) scores on standardized tests, then learning test-taking strategies can QUICKLY give you an advantage to increase your score, and pass the boards.

Plus, unlike studying for a single chapter that may be applicable to 5% of your exam, test-taking skills can be leveraged throughout 100% of this exam (and every future board exam that you ever take).

Study a ton, remember none. Sound familiar?

If you've previously done well on standardized exams, just follow the PBR “Roadmap to Success” and you will do great.

BUT, if you:

  • Struggle with standardized tests,
  • Get test anxiety,
  • Find yourself running out of time on exams,
  • Were told that you were “at-risk” of failing the boards based on IN-Training Exam scores,
  • Have taken a year off from studying for the exam, or
  • Scored less than a 222 on the USMLE Step 1

… then improving your test-taking technique is just as, if not MORE, important for you to study than the actual material.

Below you’ll find some of my top strategies I teach our PBR students to sharpen their test-taking skills before the board exam.


  1. NEVER process a question in a top to bottom manner. Processing the information in a different order will give you much more control and clarity over the question
  2. Do not try to predict the question or answer. When you try to guess what will be asked, or what the answer will be, you waste time and energy as you think through hundreds of possibilities.
  3. Start by reading the question being asked of you, and then reading the vignette. This narrows your focus and gives you tremendous insight into what information from the vignette will be crucial to extract in order to answer the question correctly.
  4. Find your answer through the process of elimination. It’s easier, less stressful and more appropriate to eliminate weaker answer choices rather than choosing the first answer that seems to be correct.
  5. Skip “data blocks” and come back to them if needed. Most vignette-style questions can be answered by just using the text, so try that before reviewing tables of data, x-rays or images.
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Passing the Pediatric Boards – The 3 MUST HAVE Ingredients

The 3 MUST HAVE Ingredients for Board Success

3 Key Ingredients to Passing the Pediatric BoardsPassing the the pediatric boards is challenging, but it's far from magic. In this article I'm going to introduce you to the 3 main areas you must focus on to pass the boards. If you don't, then even as a good pediatrician you will be at high risk for failing the boards.

By the end, you will have a much better handle on the general framework within which you will need to focus your energy. I predict that it's going to be quite liberating for you!

Let's start with a few stories…

Each year after the pediatric board results are released, I ask PBR members for feedback. “How was it for you?” The replies vary considerably, but there are specific overwhelming emotions which come through time and time again;


a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel lighter and free.”

– “Dr. Wiseman”


“My family and I celebrated all day long. We cried tears of happiness knowing the endless hours of studying are over AND payed off!”

– “Shy Doc”

Gratitude Click Here And Continue Reading...

Your 2018 Pediatric Board Review Books – A Sneak Peek

Your 2018 Pediatric Board Review PREVIEW (and Discounted PREORDER Code) Is Here!

2018 Pediatric Board Review Sneak Peek

Pediatric Board Review Ultimate Study GuideUnlike other board review courses, the PBR's Core Study Guide gets corrected and updated EVERY year. Many of the corrections and clarifications of the are made available to the PBR community (below) prior to the initial certification exam. This allows members to have a more secure pediatric board review experience.

For non-members who are trying to figure out how they will approach the board exam for next year, or for anyone preparing for the MOC, this is a great opportunity to essentially have a sneak peak into the 2018 edition.

In this article, you will:

  • Get a preview of the most EFFICIENT 2018 pediatric board review course available
  • Get a great review of several excellent and high-yield topics
  • Get a FREE MP3 Audio Chapter from PBR
  • Get 50 FREE High-Yield Images from PBR
  • Get a FREE Test-Taking Strategies Video Training Session
  • Get the opportunity to PREORDER the 2018 edition books for 50% off of the value of the Ultimate Bundle Pack or 85% OFF of the LIFETIME package called “PBR FOR LIFE!” Please note that the PBR FOR LIFE package is NOT typically available through the PBR catalog, so this is a SPECIAL opportunity!


Every year I like to go through all PBR error submission and send corrections to PBR members before the initial certification exam. It’s an EXTREMELY time consuming task (takes several full days), but I believe it’s worth it.

If you have been following THE PBR EFFICIENCY BLUEPRINTthe information in this guide WILL NOT make or break your test-experience. Having said that, several test-takers have previously said that they enjoyed reading the clarifications, and that the review of the guide even helped them correctly answer several questions that came up on the exam.

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