Ashish Goyal, M.D.

Author Archives: Ashish Goyal, M.D.

Test-Taking Strategies for Medical Board Exams

CAN TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES ACTUALLY BE LEARNED? Test-taking strategy is often overlooked when you are preparing for your board exams, yet it can be the difference between passing or failing. Since there is no question that physicians are extremely bright, why is it that even great physicians often fail their board exams? Answer: A good clinician is […]

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Passing the Pediatric Boards – The 3 MUST HAVE Ingredients

Achieving success and passing the pediatric boards is difficult. But, with the right tools and efforts, it’s attainable. In this article, I’ll introduce you to the 3 main areas you must focus on to pass the boards. Without extensive studying, even a good pediatrician is at high risk of failing the boards. By the time […]

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Pediatric Board Exam Time Per Question, Number of Blocks & More

ABP Exam Format and Test-Day Tips When you’re prepping for the ABP exam, it’s critical to know how the exam is structured and how you can strategically approach the exam based on that structure. Having taken the exam myself (twice), I know that you will have studied for months, learned an immense amount of information, […]

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