PRACTICE VERSUS STUDY – A BIG DIFFERENCE I love the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) PREP questions for PRACTICING test-taking skills, but NOT as a substitution for studying for the boards from a board-focused study guide. The difference can be confusing! That is why it’s IMPERATIVE that you understand my thoughts on why PREP questions are NOT […]
Click Here And Continue Reading...QUESTION: Can you name this rash? CLUES: It might be described as a rash on the extensor surfaces, uniform in color without central clearing. It can scale, ooze and/or crust. ANSWER: Find it below the image. ANSWER NUMMULAR ECZEMA: Coin-shaped eczematous lesions usually on the EXTENSOR SURFACE of extremities. As mentioned, lesions are uniform, without any central […]
Click Here And Continue Reading...QUESTION: Can you name this rash? CLUES: It might be described as a rash on the extensor surfaces, uniform in color without central clearing. It can scale, ooze and/or crust. ANSWER: Will be posted in 2-3 days. Click HERE for the answer.
Click Here And Continue Reading...IN THIS POST: Are you a pediatric resident? Are you a pediatrician? Have you failed the pediatric boards? I’ve been surprised at how many orders have been placed from pediatricians in the United Kingdom (UK) and Asia. But, who is Pediatrics Board Review written for? Well, the goal for PBR is to help anyone studying […]
Click Here And Continue Reading...Hi! My name is Ashish Goyal, the CEO and chief mentor at Pediatrics Board Review. I’m thrilled to assist in simplifying your preparation process as you gear up to tackle your board exams. I created Pediatrics Board Review (PBR) to do one thing… help pediatricians and pediatric residents pass the boards on their FIRST try. […]
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