FULL Pediatric Dermatology Study Guide, Gastroenterology Study Guide, Cardiology MP3 and Learn the Top 3 Reasons Why GOOD Pediatricians Fail the Boards.
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Hi my name is Ashish Goyal and I’m board-certified in both Pediatrics and Internal Medicine. I have a passion for helping pediatricians and pediatric residents overcome the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) initial certification and Maintenance of Certification (aka MOC or recertification) exams.
I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by study materials and also to fail the pediatric boards. That’s why I’m here to help you maximize your study time with high-yield topics, striking memory aids and easy to understand explanations of complicated material. The efficiency in studying will help you create long-term knowledge in less time so that you can spend less time in front of books and more time with your family and friends.
Through Pediatrics Board Review (PBR) I’ve been able to produce innovative resources that provide a focused and efficient experience to do one thing: HELP YOU PASS!
Especially if you've ever failed a board exam, I know how you feel. It wasn’t long ago that I took the American Board of Pediatrics initial certification exam for the first time… and failed! I actually knew within the first 20 minutes that the study materials I used were deeply flawed in their approach. It was the first board exam I had ever failed and I felt demoralized.
Thinking through everything I had gone through to become a doctor, and then study for the boards, I quickly realized that failing that exam didn’t mean I was a bad pediatrician, it just meant that I didn’t have the right resources I needed to pass the exam.
I also thought really hard about the questions on the board exam, and I discovered that there were patterns in the exact types of questions the American Board of Pediatrics was interested in testing me on. I realized that there were really only a few different ways they could ask questions about those topics. Through key changes in my study strategies and another summer of hard work, I was able to dramatically increase my score the very next year and PASS THE PEDIATRIC BOARDS BY OVER 100 POINTS.
Ideas Lead to Innovation and Success
I can’t say it was easy, but once I had a clear plan on how to study for the exam, there was a huge sense of relief. The ABP was failing up to 25% of first-time test takers, and an even higher percentage of repeat test takers. But I did so well on the exam that they even asked me to contribute questions for future board exams.
I’m finally board certified now and REALLY happy to get back to more of a normal, care free life. I’m also so excited to have the opportunity to share my own test-taking strategies, mnemonics, tools for efficiency, and of course the PBR study guides I put together after doing so well on the exam.
I published the first edition of PBR in 2011, and it's been amazing to see that the pass rate for the MOC (recertification) exam has been 100% for 2011 – 2013, and that the first-time pass rate on the initial certification exam has over 90%.
The high-yield information and study techniques I teach can be learned by you to get the edge you need to pass the pediatric boards. The first step is simple, download two free chapters (Pediatric Dermatology and Pediatric Gastroenterology) from the PBR by filling in your name and email address below:
Download Two Free Chapters From the PBR & See If It's Right For You!
FREE Pediatric Dermatology Study Guide
FREE Pediatric GI Study Guide
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Another little bit of information about me… My life’s work has always involved helping others. This project (PBR) was started to fund a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization, called AVSAR, which helps to increase access to healthcare for children living in the slums of India. Though PBR I’ve been able to contribute over $50,000 to AVSAR, and I continue to be a source of support privately. Pediatrics Board Review is a private company, but it feels great to know that through PBR I have the ability to step in and support AVSAR again in the future if the need should ever arise.
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