2013 Pediatrics Board Review Corrections and Clarifications
50-70 Pages of FREE High-Yield Content Now Available!
In 2012, the Pediatrics Board Review Corrections & Clarifications Guide was only about 25 pages. The guide contained corrections that I found and that others found in the 2nd edition of the Pediatrics Board Review Core Study Guide. The guide provided a TON of value and helped many people correctly answer questions they would have otherwise gotten wrong! I think there's still value in reviewing it today because these guides give me the freedom to write freely about pretty much anything related to topics, studying for the boards, etc.
Want the 2012 guide? Just click LIKE below and then download it (Sorry! As of Sept. 2014, the LIKE software no longer works… so I'm now just giving it away! Just click on the image to download the guide. It would be GREAT if you could visit https://www.facebook.com/PedsBoardReview and give it a LIKE).
With the growing number of PBR members every year, the number of questions and clarifications seems to be growing exponentially. So, for 2013 I I tried something a little different. I recruited YOUR help. A handful of you helped me go through a first attempt at answer almost 100 questions or comments about possible clarifications within the PBR. Many submissions came directly to me, and others came from the private “PBR Facebook CREW” area (PBR members' only). The 2013 Pediatric Board Review Corrections & Clarifications Guide is packed with SIXTY pages of content.
- Corrections of simple errors
- Clarifictions of high-yield pediatric topics
- ENTIRE sections of the PBR if they've been modified due to error or to get them ready for the 2014 (4th edition) of the Pediatrics Board Review
- Insights into what may or may NOT be tested on the 2013 and the 2014 pediatric board exam
Ready to download it? Well, you must have a Facebook account, but all you have to do is click LIKE button below!
[pwal id=”81022585″ description=”Click the “Like” Button Now to Instantly Download This!”] Download Now! [/pwal]Don't Have A Facebook Account?
No problem. Get a ton of great, high-yield information and insight delivered to you immediately in a PDF format. It cost me over 50 hours to create, but is yours for next to nothing.
Future Error Submissions
Have error submission of your own? I'd love to hear them. If you have a document, just email it to me. Otherwise, as you find individual suggestions, please visit the following link to submit anything that you think I should address for the next edition of PBR.
Again, many thanks to everyone who contributed by asking questions and submitting errors. Also a huge thanks to the folks that helped me with the corrections this year.
Good luck on the boards!
What do you think of the idea of putting out such a comprehensive corrections and clarifications guide? I'd love to hear your thoughts below!